I am shocked and appalled that the Nova Scotia government is once again allowing the slaughter of grey seal pups on Hay Island, a protected area. The world has explicitly condemned Canada for its cruel annual harp seal hunt and Europe has banned seal products. Your decision to allow these atrocities to continue in your protected wilderness area to commercial sealers will only hurt your country because an international tourism boycott will have serious consequences on your province's tourism industry. There are no markets for your seal products, despite what your federal officials claim, and you will only be destroying a great opportunity for tourists to visit your beautiful wilderness with living creatures and no bloodshed. There is no credible scientific evidence that suggests killing seals will help fish stocks recover. Seal-watching could be far more profitable for Nova Scotia than seal-killing. Protecting seals in protected areas would bring many tourists eager to see those animals in their natural environment. As someone who cares about the environment and the ethical treatment of animals, I intend to educate everyone I know that the Nova Scotia government allows defenseless seal pups to be slaughtered in protected land and provincial parks. I will not be visiting Nova Scotia and pledge to encourage and promote a tourism boycott of Nova Scotia until seals in protected areas are truly protected. Sincerely, NAME STATE, COUNTRY
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